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Engine Control Unit Advanced Diagnostic

Engine Control Unit Advanced Diagnostic
Product code: RR011
List price: 35 000 ₽ 
Price: 20 125 ₽ 
You save: 14 875 ₽  (43%)

* Read and rewrite EEPROM for the following ECUs: - EDC15C3 - EDC15C13 - EDC17 - SIRIUS32 - SID301 - SIM32 - SAFIR / SAFIR2 / SAFIR200 (read only) - IAW 6R.20 - IAW 6R.30 (read only).

* Read and rewrite FLASH for the following ECUs: - EDC15C3 - EDC15C13 - EDC17 - SIRIUS32 - SID301 - SIM32.

* Delete IMMO data for the following ECUs: - EDC15C3 - EDC15C13 - SIRIUS32 - SID301 - SAFIR / SAFIR2 / SAFIR200 - SIM32 - IAW 6R.30 New AVDI interface or active AMS is required to purchase this package.
