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Key for Lexus IS250 / 350, LS460, GS300 / 350/430/460 2006-2008, MDL 14AAC

Key for Lexus IS250 / 350, LS460, GS300 / 350/430/460 2006-2008, MDL 14AAC
Key for Lexus IS250 / 350, LS460, GS300 / 350/430/460 2006-2008, MDL 14AAC

Изображение в 360 градусов


Product code: lexus-347
Price: $206 

New original key for Lexus IS250 / 350, LS460, GS300 / 350/430/460 2006-2008. MDL 14AAC, P1-94, frequency 433MHZ.

Service blank for a smart key (optional): the original blade-1486 and non-original blade-1542.

Category: Europe
Weight: 34 кг
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