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Hitag Porsche programmer

Hitag Porsche programmer
Product code: HTG3P
Price: 1 500 € 

Introducing the latest generation of programmer, designed to work with the new generation of Hitag3 transponders (HitagPRO, PCF7953), which has the function of checking and configuring a 16-byte crypto password.

In this version of the programmer, the key programming function for PORSCHE PANAMERA (970) 2009 to 2012, CAYENNE (958) from 2010 to 2012, 911 (991) from 2011 to 2012 is presented.

These cars use processors 1L15Y, 2M25J, 3M25J.

Beware of buying equipment without full technical support and warranty! By purchasing equipment, the buyer agrees that OriginalKey is not responsible for the illegal use of equipment for illegal purposes. Purchased products can only be used for repairs!

Category: Hitag 3