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Key for Mazda CX-5 2011-, 6 Wagon with 2012, 3 hatchback 2013-, 2 2014-, PCF7953

Product code: mazda-294
Price: | $115 |
Original new 2 button Smart key for Mazda CX-5 after 2011 release, Mazda 6 Wagon New after 2012 release, Mazda 3 hatchback after 2013 release, Mazda 2 after 2014 release.
Key frequency 433Mhz, chip PCF7953.
Service blank for the smart key (optional): the original blade-617 and analogue blade-1175.
Battery for this key: VARTA CR2025.
Category: Mazda Europe
Weight: 34 гр
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